The Basics of Federal Contracting

Session Type: Management Workshop


Room Number: 209B

Available Dates & Times


This course will discuss basic contracting concepts that electrical contractors should be familiar with on federal projects, including the federal contracting process; preferential programs on federal projects, such as small business set asides, hub zones, veteran-owned small business, women-owned businesses and minority-owned businesses; subcontract formation on federal projects with a particular emphasis on mandatory flow-down clauses and negotiated contract clauses; and handling disputes arising out of work on federal projects


  • Nagle, Jim - Photo

    Jim Nagle

    James Nagle, Attorney and Partner, Oles Morrison Rinker & Baker LLC

    James Nagle’s practice focuses on government contracts. He has extensive experience including working with supply, services, international, major systems, and construction contracts. He has represented owners, contractors, subcontractors, sureties, architects, engineers and all parties in the contracting process. His local and national reputation is such that both the government and contractors have used him as a consultant, expert witness or arbitrator/mediator. Prior to joining the firm, he served as chief of the Logistics and Contract Law Branch of the Department of the Army staff. He also served as a trial team chief in the Army’s Contract Appeals Division.