Dan Saad

Prior to the establishment of a coaching and mentoring consultancy, Dan was a successful entrepreneur, with 30 + years of experience in the following industries: electrical/mechanical contracting, manufacturing and distribution, and building design.  A credentialed coach through the International Coach Federation as an Associate Certified Coach, Dan’s current client list includes electrical contractors, business owners, executives in multi-national corporations, business leaders, as well as professional service providers in the following businesses and industries: banking, real estate, entertainment, construction and manufacturing.

Coaching focus areas include: becoming a more effective leader, manager and coach (to the employees); producing greater results through others; building team leadership and management skills; coordinated development of vision and mission statements; strategic and operational planning; employment management; and crafting innovative growth strategies to excel in today’s difficult and highly competitive marketplace.

Dan is a veteran member of the Ohio Michigan Chapter NECA and has also served the industry on the Board of Directors (2006-2000; 1990-1987); as Ohio Michigan Chapter Treasurer (2006-2002; 1990-1988); Ohio Michigan Chapter Governor (2006-2002); and National Marketing Committee Member (2005-2004).

Dan also served for many years as a committee member for the Toledo Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Center as well as several other local and regional Ohio/Michigan NECA industry-based initiatives.

Dan is also a credentialed OSHA Outreach Trainer and teaches construction safety at the Toledo Electrical JATC / Local 8 IBEW Electrical Journeyman-based safety programs. He also tours this region for public speaking and workshop engagements on various topics, including Business Ethics and Values, Listening a Survival Skill. Dan is currently an adjunct teacher at Owens Community College (Toledo and Findlay, Ohio campuses), where his focus is adult retraining and development programs (OSHA Safety) along with strategic community partners for building youth literacy.

Beyond those involvements, he is a trained presenter for the Toledo Better Business Bureau program “In Search of Ethics”.

Further underlining his commitment to building a better community through active involvement, Dan holds an appointment as a board trustee for a charter school sponsoring agency, the Ohio Council for Community Schools, and is a member of Kids Unlimited, an organization dedicated to helping children develop the necessary skills to insure their success in school and in life.